Using a free marketing ebook can be an incredible tool in your list building campaign. I have squeeze pages that either do or do not offer a free marketing ebook as an incentive to joining my list, and I find that the ones that do not offer a free ebook have a lower conversion rate than those that do.
Now, you may think that I am just getting freebie seekers on my list, and maybe I am getting a few. But I think that I am still getting the real buyers on my list, and that is important to me, even if I pick up a few freebie seekers. I would much rather use a free marketing ebook and get more good subscribers than to not use a free marketing ebook and get fewer good subscribers. You see, percentages are not that important to me, the money I make at the end of the month is what is important to me.
So how do you do it$%: This will surprise you, perhaps, but it works well. Write 5 articles on the topic of your web site and compile them together into a free marketing ebook. Your ebook should have about 5-10 pages, no longer, and should be an easy read. Use adobe's pdf maker program so that the ebooks are easy to download and read.
Few paragraphs
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Then, take those articles and submit them to article directories online, sending readers to a web page where they can download the free marketing ebook you have created. Now, what I like to do is require visitors to opt in to my email list before they can download the free ebook, so that I can send them announcements in the future.